
The Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation treated all Mart ISD employees to a shopping spree on their first day back to work.  Each employee was allowed up to $100 to spend at either Mardel or Target.  This is the second year that the foundation has made this generous event happen for the staff.  Teachers and staff spend  much of their own money on their classrooms and students.  The Foundation wanted to help ease this burden.  What a great way to start off the school year!  

Want to help make awesome events happen like this in the future?  

Donations to the Mart Enrichment Foundation can be made at the following link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/...     

Want to know more about this amazing organization?  

Founded in 2000, the Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation that is governed by a board of directors. It is established to generate and distribute funds for Mart Independent School District programs and projects that enrich, enhance, and maximize the excellence of education for all Mart ISD students. The goals of the Foundation are:

  • To encourage academic excellence in the Mart ISD by providing funding not available through local, state or federal education funds.

  • To obtain contributions to benefit the Mart ISD.

  • To work with other civic organizations to enhance public awareness and confidence the Mart ISD.

Since 2003, the Foundation has awarded over $67,000 in Innovative Teaching Grants to Mart ISD teachers to fund special programs and projects for their students. These have included a portable public address system, microscopes, computer software, instructional DVDs, class sets of novels, hands-on instructional materials for mathematics and science classes physical education equipment, rhythm band instruments, and field trips. The Foundation assisted Mart ISD in raising monies for the Outdoor Education, Recreate and Athletic Complex. The donations were applied to the matching funds required of Mart ISD as part of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant. Through a grant from the Dulaney Foundation, the Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation was to assist the district in construction of a project center facility near the school at which students can raise animals for FFA projects.