Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation Summer Project
The Mart Enrichment Foundation purchased items off of each and every teacher's Amazon Wish List this summer. Foundation members delivered the items on Monday, August 14th.

Ms. Campbell's 5th & 6th Grade Science Class
Mrs. Kaufmann's 5th & 6th Grade Social Studies Class
Ms. Van Winkle's Reading Intervention Classes
Ms. Kelly's Dyslexia Intervention Class
Mrs. Pharris' Special Education Class
Mrs. Smith's Elementary Music Class
Mr. Aupied's 5th Grade Band Class
Mr. Aupied's 6th Grade Band Class
Mrs. Honeycutt, Elementary Counseling
Mrs. Pechacek's Junior High Science Classes
Ms. Cook's High School Math Classes
Mrs. Carter's High School Math Classes
Coach Thompson's High School Math Classes
Mrs. Kalka's High School English Classes
Coach Schlemmer's High School English Classes
Coach Skinner's High School Science Classes
Ms. Waldie's High School Spanish and CERT Classes
Mrs. Hall's High School Art and FCS Classes
Coach Jenny Allison's JH and HS CTE Classes
Mr. Aupied's 7th & 8th Grade Band Class
About Us: Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation

Donations are tax-deductible.
2022-2023 Grant Recipients
Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation Grant Winners
Listen & Learn, MHS $233.94
CERT In Action, MHS $1,904.72
Breakout EDU Package, MHS $199.00
2nd Grade (STEM) Field Trip to Perot Museum of Nature & Science, MES $1,543.84
The Novel Effect, Bringing the Story to Life MES $1,250.00
Creating the Next Generation of Panther Geniuses, MES $1,795.00
Medical Terminology, MHS $955.82
Wiggle While You Work, MES $1,570.21
Document Camera, MHS $101.17
Total: $9553.70
Sue Davis Memorial Grant Winners
Clevertouching Hearts, MES $3,000
Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, MHS $2,972
A private donor also generously provided funding for the following grant programs:
New Classroom Instruments for Elementary Music Program, MES $1680.92
Beginning Brass with the P-Buzz, MHS $600
This grant program has been established in memory of Sue Cooper Davis, a graduate of the Mart school system who taught English and Speech at Mart High School for 36 years. She and her husband, Jack, were avid fans of Mart Panther football and devout members of the First United Methodist Church. Among many community initiatives, Mrs. Davis served on the boards of the Nancy Nail Memorial Library and Mildred Dulaney Foundation.
Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation
Innovative Teaching Grants 2023-24
Request for Grant Applications
The Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation is pleased to announce an opportunity for teachers to apply for Innovative Teaching Grants. These Teaching Grants are designed to encourage, facilitate, and enhance innovative and creative instructional approaches to accomplish campus/district goals and objectives.
Any individual or group employed by Mart ISD may apply for grants. Any one project may receive a grant up to $2,000. The size and number of awards will be determined by the funds available within the Mart ISD Enrichment Foundation.
These grants must fund projects that will be implemented during the 2023-24 school year. Grant funds may be used for 2024 summer school projects. Funds must be expended by August 1, 2024.
Unexpended funds will return to the Foundation.
Grant monies cannot be used to reimburse teachers or the school district for projects already in place.
Grant monies cannot be used for salaries, including substitute teacher pay.
Deadline for completed applications is 4:00 p.m., September 29, 2023. Completed applications should be emailed to the campus principal. Applications must be approved by the campus principal in order to be considered for funding.